East Midlands Tourist Guide Training

Institute of Tourist Guiding Qualified Trainers

East Midlands Tourist Guide Training

East Midlands Blue Badge Course

Why become a Qualified Tourist Guide?

Few careers are more rewarding than guiding – a Blue Badge Tourist Guide has the opportunity to share their love of the East Midlands and all that the region has to offer with people from around the world.

No two days or tours are the same! A work day might involve guiding a student group in an art gallery, another might be taking a family on a city highlights tour and on another day, you could be interpreting the East Midlands countryside for a coach group of international visitors.

Guiding requires a good level of knowledge – you need to know your stuff, but you’ll give people memorable experiences whilst working in fantastic locations. You can help bring this diverse and fascinating region to life for visitors and help them to get the very best from their visit. You’ll also develop useful skills that can open up a range of further opportunities.

Blue Badge Tourist Guide Training in East Midlands

The next East Midlands training course offered by The British Guild of Tourist Guides is scheduled to start in April 2022, with Institute of Tourist Guiding examinations in April 2023.

View or download our Course Prospectus.

About the Course

Course overview

The Blue Badge is the highest standard of qualifications for Tourist Guiding in the UK. Our training course is highly focused on the practicalities of guiding and you’ll gain the skills to start or develop your guiding career.

Course format

  • Mixture of lectures
  • Practical training
  • Self study

Course content

  • Communication and presentation skills.
  • An introduction to Britain’s cultural and historical background.
  • Lectures on a broad range of subjects including art, architecture, the legal system, literature, science.
  • Training to assist with developing an in-depth knowledge of the East Midlands region.
  • Comprehensive training on specific sites.
  • Business skills and self-employment guidance.

Is it for You?

Trainee guides come from a wide cross-section of communities and have a mix of educational and practical backgrounds.

We’re not looking for history experts, but motivated and passionate individuals.

There are no strict academic requirements to join the course, but it’s the equivalent of a degree, so you need to be willing to work hard and fully commit to extending your knowledge and practical skills. It’s fair to say that most trainee guides find the course demanding, but incredibly rewarding.

It’s not essential, but is a real asset if you’re fluent in more than one language.

Apply via our online Application Form or Contact us with any queries.